Show Kindness this Valentine’s Day!

While we know of Valentine’s Day as time to spend with those who we love, it’s also a day we can spread love to the people around us through small acts. Here are some acts of kindness you can do this Valentine’s Day and every day to spread love and kindness to those around you:

  • Hold the door open for someone
  • Leave a basket of tennis balls at the dog park
  • Check in on loved ones
  • Give someone a “just because” gift
  • Pay for the person behind you for coffee
  • Give a coworker kudos
  • Leave a nice note for your friends
  • Smile at everyone
  • Leave a review for a small business or local author
  • Tip extra or put your loose change in tip jars
  • Buy a gift for a child in foster care
  • Leave change in vending machines
  • Safely collect litter on the ground
  • Make a meal for someone who may need one
  • Bring blankets to a homeless shelter
  • Write a thank-you note to a teacher
  • Volunteer
  • Plow your neighbor’s snow (safely)
  • Send a care package to deployed troops
  • Donate a book to the library
  • Donate old toys
  • Babysit
  • Send anonymous flowers
  • Walk a friend’s dog
  • Send dessert to the next table at a restaurant
  • Make double of a dish you’re making for a friend you know is busy
  • Forgive