Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ Weekly Buzz

From the Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ Weekly Buzz:

Happy 104th General Assembly! The team has been hard at work talking to legislators and stakeholders about the Department’s Spring 2025 legislation.

This section will be used to update you weekly on the progression of the Department’s initiatives and other important information for you to know!

Site Visits Although the snow has been plenty and the weather chilly, that doesn’t stop the team from getting out in the field to view the beautiful properties owned by DNR! In early January, Leader McCombie, Representative Sosnowski, Representative Cabello, Representative Fritts, and Senator Chesney were given a tour of several DNR sites in Galena. The DNR team loves getting out into our parks and historic sites, so please let us know if you and your staff are interested in a visit.

Bird Flu Updates:

-Bird flu’s technical name is ‘highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI)’.

-Reports of bird die-offs seemed to have peaked during the holiday season.

-Reports have overall started to slow, though a large number of ducks just passed in Chicago.

-With waterfowl migration, the bird flu can spread throughout the state.

-Wildlife biologists have sent off birds from 16 locations in Northern Illinois for testing.

-Most of the sick and deceased birds have been Canadian geese. DNR is working with the DPH and DOA to monitor the bird flu and offer public guidance.

If you have any more questions about the bird flu, please contact the team.

DNR Jobs

If someone you know loves nature and protecting resources, they can check out this link to see available positions within the Department. DNR employs many types of positions from law enforcement to wildlife biologists, to procurement experts, to grant staff, and more!

DNR Legislative Team:

Ashley Rubino –

Kevin Romo –

Jamie Reynolds –

Kelly Kupris –