Rep. Stephens’ E-News Update – 3/6

Rep. Stephens, House Republicans Introduce “Relief for Working Families” Bill Package

Last week, I joined fellow House Republicans Kevin Schmidt (R-Millstadt), Kyle Moore (R-Quincy), and Mike Coffey (R-Springfield) to introduce a package of legislation aimed at providing relief for working families in Illinois.

Within the Relief for Working Families bill package is House Bill 1752, which I filed in January. This legislation allows taxpayers to exclude up to $5,250 of educational assistance an employer provides to an employee under an educational assistance program from the employee’s wages each year. The law would help employees pay for things such as tuition, books, and federal education loans.

Other bills included in the Relief for Working Families Plan include:

  • Deducting state taxes on tips that are included in a worker’s federal adjusted gross income (HB1383).
  • Doubling the maximum education expense tax credit from $750 to $1,500 (HB3821).
  • Encouraging the elimination of all first-year business fees related to licensure or registration of a new business. (HB1351).
  • Establishing the Illinois Trades Retention and Development Encouragement (ITRADE) Grant Program for those seeking training in trades such as construction, electrical work, and steel working (HB3807).
  • Increasing trade training options by allowing a Manufacturing, Engineering, Technology, or Trade (METT) teaching license to be awarded to experienced workers in those trades (HB1112).
  • Awarding income tax credits to taxpayers who make contributions to organizations that award scholarships for technical education (HB1729).

Stephens’ Legislation Ensures Safety for Drivers Near O’Hare

The long line of cars that sit idling on the side of the busy roadways leading to O’Hare Airport is threatening the safety of thousands of motorists who travel to O’Hare each day.

Instead of using the cell phone lot created for drivers so they can remain in their vehicles while they await incoming flights at O’Hare International Airport, some motorists are lining up in the emergency lanes alongside the highly trafficked road leading to the airport.

Traffic heading into O’Hare is often traveling in excess of 55 mph. Drivers who pull onto the shoulder, sit on the side of the road, or merge back into fast-moving traffic create a dangerous scenario for the motoring public. A scenario Illinois State Representative Brad Stephens is committed to preventing.

Last year, one of my bills, the O’Hare Driver Safety Act, was enacted and is aimed at improving safety for those driving to the airport. The new law prohibits motor vehicles from idling or stopping on the shoulder of a highway, including the highway entrance and exit ramps or on the side of a roadway, within a one-half-mile radius of the eastern entrance to O’Hare International Airport as well as the intersection of Interstate 90 and Interstate 294.

However, a jurisdictional issue has complicated the installation of the cameras and enforcement of the law. In response, I have introduced a trailer bill in the form of HB 1502 to ensure state agencies have the authority needed to implement the provisions of the O’Hare Driver Safety Act.

You can read ABC 7’s story and watch my interview here.

House Bill 1502 is currently making its way through the House of Representatives. Those wishing to file an electronic witness slip can do so on the ILGA website.

In the District

Last week, I was happy to be able to participate in the groundbreaking event for the planned development of the Leyden Senior Apartments and Senior Center. The 4-story, 80-unit modern senior housing facility and accompanying community center for activities will serve to improve the lives of Leyden seniors for decades. Thank you to Leyden Township, the Department of Planning and Development, and the Illinois Housing Authority for hosting such a wonderful event!

Sharing Good Wishes for Governor Edgar

Governor Jim Edgar and his wife Brenda shared the news this week that the 38th Governor of Illinois has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Many Illinoisans recalled Edgar’s successful leadership of Illinois during two terms as Governor from 1991-1999. During this time of economic challenge and prosperity for Illinois, Governor Edgar’s leadership put our State’s budget in order; enacted major school reforms, supplemented by the creation of a network of charter schools; stood tall against crime through the enactment of new laws such as the Sex Offender Registration Act; and led Illinoisans as they fought the Great Flood of 1993 on the Mississippi River.

Governor Edgar indicated that he has started a course of treatment for his serious illness and appreciates the good wishes he is getting from many Illinoisans.

Things to Keep an Eye on

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